Juju Chang
Juju Chang
Anchor/ABC News
JuJu Chang is a multiple Emmy Award-winning co-anchor of ABC News’ Nightline. She also reports regularly for Good Morning America and 20/20. Chang’s decades of reporting converged in two hour-long prime-time specials in 2021. She co-anchored an ABC News Live special Stop The Hate: The Rise In Violence Against Asian Americans. And after the mass shooting at three Asian-themed spas, Chang co-anchored and reported from the scene for an ABC News 20/20 breaking news special Murder In Atlanta, which won a Front Page award in 2022.

Chang has been recognized for her in-depth personal narratives set against the backdrop of pressing national and international news: from natural disasters to terrorism and racial equity. Her long-form storytelling includes a critical examination of the controversial “Remain in Mexico” immigration policy, told through the eyes of one pregnant woman and her family among the 60,000 asylum seekers camped for months along the Rio Grande. Chang’s award-winning report Trans and Targeted on violence against transgender women of color across the country caps a series of her stories on LGBTQ+ issues. Chang won a GLAAD award for her story about Matthew Shepard’s murder and the legacy his parents built in his honor.

Chang has covered major breaking news for decades for ABC News including extensive coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic: the science, the economic fallout, the racial disparities, the impact on hospital ICUs and essential workers.

Chang has covered mass shootings and the myriad issues raised by shootings at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, at the concert in Las Vegas and at the Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Conn.

She’s reported on global climate issues including a trip through Guatemala examining the “dry corridor” impact on climate refugees profiling a desperate farming family faced with the stark choice of starvation or migration. Chang has consistently covered gender-based violence through Central Africa on the front lines against Boko Haram and #bringbackourgirls. She traveled to Honduras for Femicide: the Untold War, an eye-opening look at rampant violence against women.